Quilt Square: Black fabric, with "Good Charlotte" in white ink

9. Good Charlotte

Good Charlotte played at the Theater of the Living Arts in Philadelphia on March 6, 2011. In college at the time, I had bought two tickets out of habit, unwilling to miss one of their shows. However, by that point my usual concert companion Becky was all the way at Penn State main campus, and their wasn’t a chance of a special visit considering where it fell in the semester. I had to scramble to find someone to go with me, as no one had the same affinity for pop-punk they listened to in middle school the way I still did. I did eventually find a taker, my friend Dan who had appreciated Good Charlotte’s earliest music. That night the setlist was perfect. They played all their hits, a couple new ones, and even a couple from their first album. My face hurt from smiling that night. I remember Dan saying something like “I’ve never seen Bridget that happy”.

Author: hiimbridget