Quilt Square: Navy blue background, with a graphic of John Cusack's character Llloyd Dobler from the movie Say Anything... holding an iPod above his head with the track "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel listed

25. Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel is one of the only artists in which my tastes intersect with my parents. My appreciation for his music wasn’t all due to their influence; the movie Say Anything… became a favorite of mine somewhere between middle school and high school. Naturally I was a fan of the iconic scene in which the character Lloyd Dobler holds a boombox playing “In Your Eyes” outside of Diane Court’s bedroom window. I bought this particular t-shirt off a website that promoted the work of independent artists, at a moment when I spent most of my time listening to music off of an iPod. I appreciated the commentary on modern society, though I’m not sure at the time I appreciated how ephemeral it all was.

Author: hiimbridget