Quilt Square: Black fabric, with "FTSK" design that looks like masking tape

15. Forever The Sickest Kids

Forever the Sickest Kids played at the Harmony Grange in Wilmington, DE on July 14th, 2007, alongside Valencia, Self Against City, and Tokyo Rose. It was the first time I had the opportunity to see FTSK, after becoming obsessed with just the handful of songs that they released at the time. Becky had convinced her dad to drive us to the show, which was  a little further than most shows we went to. It would be the smallest venue I would ever see them in before they started to gain more and more popularity. I bought this shirt at the back of the venue. For some reason, I liked that it looked like simple masking tape on a black t-shirt. In retrospect, I could have made it myself.

Author: hiimbridget